Sunday, July 21, 2024

This Past Week, And More

There were times in recent months where I wished that I could travel more. I think I took care of that in the past week.

Monday, drive to Winston-Salem and Kernersville to tape off tapes and hard drives for an upcoming project. Tuesday, photos of one event in Charlotte, then to Spartanburg for photos of Asia, Focus, Martin Turner and Curved Air at the Spartanburg Auditorium.
Wednesday and Thursday, photos of two events, and Sam On Someday at The Evening Muse. Friday, photos of one event in Charlotte, then to Sugar Grove, NC for the Doc & Rosa Lee Watson festival. Saturday, photos of one event in Charlotte, then back to Sugar Grove for day two of the festival. Today, photos of one event, and trying to catch up on the last week.
Time to hit the road again. Hang in there. See you soon, and see you on the road.

July 21, 2024

RIP Jerry Miller

 RIP Jerry Miller of Moby Grape. Thank you for the music, and more.


July 21, 2024

Sunday, July 14, 2024

This Past Week

This past week. Monday, photos of the Cincinnati zoo, after a few days visiting family in Ohio. Tuesday, back home to photograph one event. Wednesday, drive to Asheville to take temporary possession of the archives of one of my favorite 60s artists for digitization, and found the master tape to a long-lost album while sitting in my backseat. (You will hear more about this.) Then drive to Charlotte to photograph the Back To The Future opening night event, and a Spongetones recording session.

Thursday, photos of Time Sawyer in South Carolina, Thurston Howell Band - A Premier Yacht Rock Spectacular in Ballantyne, and Alan Edwards at the The Evening Muse. Friday, photos of the Freedom School Partners Jubilee, and it could be nothing... and much more at the The Milestone Club. Saturday, photos of the Charlotte Folk Society concert at St. Martin's.

Love to all. Hang in there. See you soon, and see you on the road.

July 14, 2024

NSMA Photos

Hello all-

Welcome! If you're looking for photos from the recent NSMA conference and awards banquet, you can find them all at You can find any and all other recent events there, as well. 

Enjoy, and see you soon,


July 14, 2024