Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy 66th wedding anniversary

When I was four, I lived for some time with my mother's parents, George and Mary King. I was their first grandchild, and I took to them like I have rarely connected to anyone else in my life. I learned a lot from them. Set your own hours, take time for yourself, family does matter, and most importantly, do what you care about. No big fanfare about things, but do what matters to you, and be proud of what you've done. I still look at that time of my life as one of my happiest. I will always be from upstate New York, even if its just in the emotional sense, and they will always be a big part of that.

George and Mary's last anniversary together on this earth was in 1990, the same day that my first TV show premiered on local TV. Years later, I found their wedding photo negatives, and made sure that they were preserved. George and Mary are no longer here, in the physical sense, as are too many of the good people I've known along the way. But it is said that no one is truly gone if we still talk about them, quote from them. Live through their experiences. And I am still proud to do so.

Happy 66th annivsersary, George and Mary, from your old kid,

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