Thursday, December 31, 2015

Wednesday, December 30, 2015

News On Jake Berger And January 23rd Show

Hello everyone-

As you may know, my friend Jake Berger has hurt pretty bad in an accident two weeks ago. Jake and the Mannish Boys had a show planned at The Double Door Inn on January 23rd with Crisis. Randy Franklin has generously decided to make this a benefit show for Jake, featuring many of the folks that Jake has played with over his 50 year career. Spread the word, this one's gonna Rock. Get well soon, Jake, and see you all in 2016.
December 30, 2015

News & Observer's Preview Of Last Sunday's Bondsmen Show

With one of my photos. 

December 30, 2015

Monday, December 21, 2015

Merry Christmas

Wherever you are,
December 21, 2015

One Reminder About The Bondsmen Reunion Show In Durham, NC This Sunday 

December 21, 2015

Jump Little Children Photo, Charlotte, NC, December 20, 2015

Jump Little Children
Visulite Theater
Charlotte, NC
December 20, 2015
Photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

Dillon Fence Photo, Charlotte, NC, December 20, 2015

Dillon Fence
Visulite Theater
Charlotte, NC
December 20, 2015
Photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

Fred Cash, Impressions Photo

Fred Cash
Studio East
Charlotte, NC
December 20, 2015
photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

Last Weekend's Events

Yesterday, spoke to folks from WFAE at the Charlotte Museum of History, photographed a 70th wedding anniversary party for The Charlotte Post, photographed Tremont Music Hall on their last day, and then drove to Saxapahaw, NC for the Chatham County Line holiday show. So good to see and photograph all of my CCL friends and family. I've missed you. Today, photographed Fred Cash and the Impressions at a recording session at Studio East, the Nutcracker Ball at the Charlotte Country Club (nothing like hearing a hundred pre-teen boys and girls singing "Shake It Off" at the top of their lungs), and the Jump Little Children reunion show at the Visulite Visulite Theatre. Time to edit, and get ready for Christmas. Happy Christmas to all, and to all a good night.
December 20, 2015

Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Death In June Photo, 1997

Death In June
Tremont Music Hall
Charlotte, NC
copyright 1997 Daniel Coston

Tremont Music Hall Photos, 1996 to 2015

Farewell Tremont

All photos copyright Daniel Coston
Legendary Pink Dots
Misfits Featuring Jerry Only
Hope Nicholls with Sugarsmack
Tremont's 20 Anniversary party
Son Volt

December 16, 2015

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Psychedelic Furs Photo, 1999

Psychedelic Furs
Tremont Music Hall
Charlotte, NC
May, 1999
photo copyright 1999 Daniel Coston

More photos like this coming later this week, with the closing of Tremont Music Hall. RIP Tremont.
December 15, 2015

Lera Lynn Photo

Lera Lynn
Visulite Theater
Charlotte, NC
December 12, 2015
photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

Whitehorse Photo

Evening Muse
Charlotte, NC
December 12, 2015
photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

A Phrase I Need To Work Into Another Piece

Good intentions halfway in the ditch.

December 15, 2015

Favorite Recent Phrase I Heard At A Local Government Meeting


December 15, 2015

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

And Three Weeks Until This Show With Two NC Garage Rock Powerhouses 

Spread the word,
December 9, 2015

Just One Month Until This Show, with Crisis and the Mannish Boys

Crisis and Mannish Boys, dual 20th anniversary show.

Hope to see you there,
December 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Milah

Hello All-

Happy birthday to my niece, Milah, who just turned three years old. Milah, I'd originally planned to write you a series of letters over the last three years, but life got in the way. So far. Just know that I love you, and that uncle Daniel hopes to tell you many more stories, for many days to come.
December 9, 2015

Show Talk At The Charlotte Museum Of History, January 15th, 2016

Show talk! Charlotte Museum of History, January 15th, 6 to 9pm. Food, drink, live music, and yours truly talking about the photos in my exhibition, On The Way To Here, as well as a few surprises. More news soon. Thanks,
December 9, 2015

Friday, December 4, 2015

Nick Lowe/Los Straitjackets Photos, Charlotte, NC, December 3, 2015

Nick Lowe
Los Straitjackets
Visulite Theater
Charlotte, NC
December 3, 2015
All photos copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

December 4, 2015

Scott Weiland/Velvet Revolver Photo, September 2005

Scott Weiland
Velvet Revolver
Verizon Ampitheater
Charlotte, NC
September 20, 2005
photo copyright 2005 Daniel Coston

Wednesday, December 2, 2015

Announcing The Return Of Tangents Magazine In 2016

When we put together the surprise 20th anniversary issue of Tangents Magazine, I intended it to be one last word on what that magazine was capable of. One more chance  to have fun, shake some things up, and say, “We did this, and we’re proud of it.” To my surprise, many of you welcomed us back with open arms. You wrote us to ask when the next issue would be. You asked if you could buy ads in the next issue. When Tangents originally folded in the doldrums of 1998, I thought that someone would surely figure out the formula that the magazine had concocted, and create something to fill that void. Nearly 20 years on, it turns out that it was us all along that would pick up where we had left off. And so it goes…

With that in mind, I’m happy to announce that Tangents Magazine will return in 2016. We’re still working out how many issues we’ll do, but we are looking to return to the newsstands in the spring of 2016. Yes, I said newsstands. We’ll be posting new and archival issues at, but we will once again be print-based, in glorious high-end ‘zine quality. Just the way that you, and we like it.

All of that being said, this new era of Tangents needs you, in many ways. While many of us that oversaw Tangents back then wil be back onboard, the magazine has to be more than nostalgia to be relevant. Tangents was, and is a loose collective of people that wanted to create something different. Something that speaks to the collective experience of our lives, what we’re interested, and what makes us want to speak up. Be it now, or in the days to come.

So, if you would like to write, or contribute to Tangents, welcome. Email us at, and feel free to send us articles, essays, poetry, ideas, or just general thoughts and outbursts. If you contributed to Tangents the first time around, welcome back. Email us, and let the conversation begin again. And if you would like to buy an ad in Tangents, email us. Because creativity and commerce can co-exist, if we allow it to do so.

Thanks for your time, and please check back soon for updates. The future is un-written, so let the story begin, all over again. 
See you on the journey.
December 2, 2015

RIP Tracy Abernethy

On what is another sad day of loss, I wanted to acknowledge the loss of someone I've known for a long time. Tracy Abernethy worked the front door of Charlotte's Double Door Inn for more years than even he wanted to admit to me. It was always good to see him at the top of the Double Door's front steps, and I know that I'll still be looking for him for some time to come, even though he left us for the Great Gig In The Sky two weeks ago. Thank you, Tracy, for all the years of Blood, Sweat & Beers, and for all of the years of friendship. Tell all of our friends up there that I said hello. Be good to all of your friends and loved ones, and see you all on the road.
December 2, 2015

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone

Wherever you are. Happy holidays.
November 25, 2015

Chatham County Line European Tour Postcard That Uses My Info

See them in Europe, or in the US, if you have the chance.
November 24, 2015

Can Newton Photo

Cam Newton
Cam's Thanksgiving Jam
Fillmore Charlotte
Charlotte, NC
November 23, 2015
photo copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Sinners & Saints Photos, Charlotte, NC, November 21, 2015

Sinners & Saints
South End Bazaar
Charlotte, NC
November 21, 2015
all photos copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

November 22, 2015

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Brian Wilson Photos, Durham, NC, November 19, 2015

Brian Wilson
Carolina Theater
Durham, NC
November 19, 2015
all photos copyright 2015 Daniel Coston
See more at Endless Summer Quarterly's FB and Twitter pages


November 21, 2015

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

South End Bazaar


I'll be selling books and prints at the South End Bazaar, at 2525 Distribution St. Charlotte, NC 28203, this Saturday, November 21st. The event starts at 11am, and goes until 8pm. I'll be there after noon, and there until 6:30pm. 
Hope to see you there,
November 21, 2015

New Interview With Jim Bowen Of The Bondsmen

Daniel Coston: How did you meet the other members of the Bondsmen?

Jim Bowen: The fall of 1966 in Durham, NC I transferred from Durham High School to Northern High School  my junior year. In study hall I met a sophomore Phillip Pearson. We talked about what we did, liked, hobbies, etc. What else do you do in Study Hall besides study? Phil mentioned he played in the school band, played the Euphonium. I said I had played the clarinet previously at D.H.S. Then he said he also played drums in combos. I told him I played electric guitar in combos also. He told me about two friends at the junior high school that played guitars and one of them had a great singing voice. Phillip invited me over to his house for a jam session. I met Ken Haywood playing bass and Archie Thomas playing electric guitar and Phillip was right, Archie is a great singer.

Coston: How did the band form?

Bowen: After playing together Ken and I swapped base and guitar and I started playing the bass and Ken played Lead Guitar. Archie sang lead vocals and guitar. Phillip was an out of sight drummer. We all sang back-up vocals. After a couple more sessions everything was clicking, we enjoyed playing and started to learn more songs. The Bondsmen was formed. The four of us played a few gigs, youth centers, club houses, sock hops, the discotech clubs.

We wanted and needed more variety – a keyboard player. Gene Gallegan was a junior at NHS he had transferred from PA., he played organ and electric piano. He was a great addition to the Bondsmen. Our song variety increased. We wanted more- horns- we auditioned several horn, sax and trumpet players. The just did fit. So far the 5 Bondsmen were learning more and more songs and we all like what we were doing and got along great so the horn player we were looking for had to fit right in.
I call a trumpet player I had player with in the DHS band, Tim Hutchinson. He played 1st chair and what a sound he could deliver. I think we really wanted a Sax player for some of the music we did, but when we heard Tim that all changed. Another great addition to the Bondsmen. So the original line up:

Archie Thomas – lead Vocals
Ken Haywood – Lead guitar – Backup Vocals
Jim Bowen – Bass guitar – Backup Vocals
Phillip Phillips – Drummer
Gene Gallegan – Organ & Electric piano
Tim Hutchinson – Trumpet

Coston: Did you have an idea of what you thought the band should sound like?

Bowen: Our ages ranged from 14 – 17 years old. Some were limited to where we could play- no night clubs because we were under age. We learned a variety of music to please everyone. Some old standards and a lot of top 40 hits. Remember top 40 hits in the  60’s included, Temptations, Tams, 4 Tops, Showman, Beatles, Dave Clark Five, Kinks, Monkeys, Herb Albert, and Jimi Hendrix just to name a few.

Coston: Where were some of your early gigs?

Bowen: Early gigs included; Youth Centers, Sock hops, High school proms, YMCA Dances, Country Clubs, Moose Lodge, Shrine Club, Duke, Carolina and State Frat Parties, Christmas Parties for businesses – WTVD, Trucking Co., Jaycees, etc.

Coston: How did the single with Justice Records come about?

Bowen: Battle of the Bands were a popular event and we liked playing in them for exposure and to win prizes. We won several Battles, The Jazz In, Pearson Music Battle, Raleigh Battle, etc. The prize of  The Durham Battle of the Bands was a recording session and 1000 records at Justice Records in Winston Salem.

Coston: How often did the Bondsmen play during their time together? How many times a week, month, for example.

Bowen: The Bondsmen would get together after school and practice 3 to 5 times a week and if we didn’t have a gig we would do our show on the weekend. When we stated playing gig’s it was every weekend Friday and Saturday. During Christmas Season we played out 3 to 4 times a week. We were not able to practice as much but we would go to gigs and learn songs before the gig started.

Coston: The Bondsmen set list by 1968 was pretty diverse. How did you come to choose songs for the shows?

Bowen: We played for all age groups. The older age group we choose songs like Blue Moon, Love is Blue, etc. My father recommended some songs for their age group and they worked. One night at practice my father gave us sheet music of “Sweetheart of Sigma Chi” to play for the Sigma Chi Fraternity. He said the Frat House would like it and sing along with us. We thought ok well see how it goes, we were skeptical. The night of the gig we played the song and WOW, they went crazy, they were pleased and needless to say they helped spread the word to other Frat Houses and we got more and more jobs. As for the younger age group the top 40’s of the day was great and appealed to the teenager on up.

Coston: How much did the venue (dances, private groups, etc.) affect the Bondsmen’s set list?

Bowen: After months of practice we had learned over 200 songs. We would compile a list for each gig and then take request. When we played one of our regular gigs and had a request we didn’t know we would learn it for the next time.

Coston: My impression is that the Bondsmen were very popular in the Triangle area, and elsewhere. Talk about that.

Bowen: The Bondsmen had a great following. The YMCA dances got larger. The local radio station WSSB would come out and announce us at the show. The Frat parties spread from Duke to UNC to State. Mostly word of mouth from Frat Brothers. When our 1st record was released we sent a copy to the local radio stations and put some copies in the local Record Bar. One night we got a call from WSSB and invited us to the station for an on air  interview. You can only imagine how high school kids felt (on cloud nine). We were welcome anytime to go to the station and they played our records all the time.

Coston: What do you remember about winning the Battle of the Bands in 1968?

Bowen: January 27, 1968 we were 2nd place in the Raleigh Battle of the Bands. This was held at the Dorton Arena. Playing on the large stage where I had seen groups like Led Zeppelin, Jimi Hendrix, Moody Blues and more.What an experience for high school students! March 2,1968 we won First place in the Pro Combo Contest. This was a battle held by Pearson Music Store in Durham with 15 bands competing. April 1968 we won First place in the South Granville Battle of the Bands. Winning this Battle qualified us to go to the State Battle of the Bands. June 1968 we were 3rd place in th NC State Battle of the Bands. So many great groups from all over the state. It was great to be a part of this Battle. 

Coston: Talk about “Our Time To Try”, and picking “I See The Light” to record.

Bowen: One of the Battles we won was The Jazz In August 6, 1967, one of the prizes was a 3 hour demo recording at AMH Studio in Chapel Hill. When we went to the studio we recorded 8 songs. The studio engineer said he liked our sound and asked did we have any originals. We told him we were working on one. He made us an offer to come back to record it. We went back to Durham and started to put together “Our Time to Try.” John Santa also went to NHS and would come to shows and practices he had written lyrics to a song. Archie and John worked on the lyrics, and the rest of the group worked on their parts of the music. When we returned to the studio to record “Our Time to Try” the studio engineer also liked “I see the Light” from the demo session and it became the other side of “Our Time to Try".

Coston: Favorite Bondsmen gigs. Talk about them.

Bowen: It’s hard to pick a favorite gig. The Frat Parties were like “Animal House” and they really got into our music. The youth centers & YMCA Dance crowd got larger each time. I enjoyed playing for the large crowds and of course all the girls-yes, we had groupies!

Coston: The band had lineup changes in 1968. Everyone talked about that time, regardless of whether you joined, or left the band?

Bowen: The summer of 1968 Gene, Tim, and I graduated from High School. After the summer we enrolled in different colleges in different areas.

Coston: What did you do after the Bondsmen?

Bowen: After the Bondsmen in 1968 I would jam with different groups. Four musicians from different groups and myself formed a group “The Sour Honey.” We did similar music and played some of the same places. In 1970 I played bass with an all-black group, I think the name was “The Soul Sensations.” We were all over 18 years old and we played night clubs in Raleigh, Apex, and Durham area. The fall of 1970 I moved to Charlotte to attend UNCC. I didn’t play for a couple of years. Then I picked the bass up and have been playing ever since. I have played in several bands and have recorded another 45 with a group “The Eyes”. And don’t forget the album “Tobacco a go-go” with the second Bondsmen record with both tracks on the album. Someone from Duke called my father, who had managed The Bondsmen, in need of a music group to do a “Rock mass” for a Sunday night service at Duke Chapel. “The Crystal Ship” was formed. Hubert Deans, keyboard and lead vocals, Johnny Thompson, drums, Ken Haywood, lead guitar and backup vocals and me on bass and backup vocals. We were the first band to do a rock mass at Duke Chapel in March 1970.

Coston: The recent reunion show. Talk about that. Thoughts, favorite moments, etc.

Bowen: Getting ready for the recent reunion show was a trip. Seeing The Bondsmen back together after 46 years was something I had only dreamed about. I talked to Daniel Coston and Jake Berger at the History Museum in Charlotte at a book release, " There Was A Time", and he asked me if I would be interested in a Bondsmen Reunion. I said that would be awesome but the group is spread out all over the country. Daniel said I will make it happen. That was June 2014. I went to Durham a few times for rehearsals at Hubert Deans Studio. The first time I went it was like being in a time machine. I hadn’t seen Archie, Tim, Hubert, Jim Ward, and Gene in 46 years. I had seen Phillip in LA. In the 70’s and again in 2014 in Charlotte. I had stayed in touch with Ken through the years. When we got on stage for the sound check all the rehearsals, and thoughts and dreams from the past 46 years came together. We were good, we were always good I mean after all these years we all still had it! We were great! 

Coston: To end this interview, finish this sentence. The Bondsmen were and are…

Bowen: The Bondsmen were a group of musicians in High School that formed a group whose motto on our business card was “Modern Music at its Best”. This has carried through the years and we are still preforming the music at the reunion 45 years later At It's Best.

A Reminder About The Venables New Album, Finish Line, Which I Photographed And Wrote The Bio For

Band and album links-



November 18, 2015

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Cayce, SC Flooding Benefit Photos, Billy Gibbons and others, November 15, 2015

Billy Gibbons
Malina Moye
Candace Glover
Kimberly Nichole
Lyle Jennngs
Benton Blount
Historic Columbia Speedway
Cayce, SC
November 15, 2015
all photos copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

November 17, 2015

And A Recent Event That I Did Photos For

The highlight for me was when the panel started talking about Seneca Falls, NY, and its history. As I lined the ladies up afterwards for a group photo, I looked over my camera and said, "By the way, I grew up in Seneca Falls, NY." And then I took their photo.
November 17, 2015

Further Promotion For The Museum Show

Hello All-

I'll be 106.5 FM's 90 Minutes show this Sunday between 9pm and 11pm, barring another NASCAR rain delay. I also recently did an interview with News14 Carolina about my show, which you should see soon, if it hasn't aired already.

Thank you as always, and stay tuned,
November 17, 2015

Recent Events

Two Observer shoots on Friday, and the Harris Brothers at the Charlotte Folk Society concert. Saturday, seven events, including two Observer shoots, Elder Gallery event, Backcountry Beer Days at the Charlotte Museum Of History, and the Light Factory auction. My thanks to those that made my BB King photo part of the live auction. Wow. 

Sunday, went to Cayce, SC and the old Columbia Speedway for a benefit with Billy Gibbons, Lyfe Jennings, and a host of other acts. The rumored headliner didn't show, but still had fun. Monday, editing all of the photos I took in the last four days, and one video shoot. RIP PF Sloan. Thank you for all of the words and music. Let's live for today, and I'll see you on the road.
November 17, 2015

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


Hello All-

With the holidays approaching, I wanted to remind you about Therapiggies as a possible Christmas gift. They're cute, cuddly, inexpensive, and great traveling companions. My own Therapiggy, Blinker (the Piggies will tell you their names once they start to play with you, so remember to listen for it) comes with me for nearly all of my travels. Here's Blinker watching the sunrise in Denver, CO, the morning after the Zombies' Odesssey & Oracle show. With his cheery demeanor, and blanket in tow (blanket and other accessories are optional), Blinker is always up for another adventure.

Stop by for more Piggy adventures, and how to get your own Therapiggy. Happy Piggies, and happy holidays,
November 12, 2015

Veteran's Day

To my grandfathers, Don Coston (WWII, US Navy) and George King (WWII, US Army, two purple hearts, one Bronze Star), wherever you are. Happy Veteran's Day. I miss you.
That is all. Over.
November 11, 2015

Sonia Handelmann Meyer Interview, With My Photos

Hello All-

Sonia and I will both have photos in this year's Light Factory auction, which is taking place this Saturday, November 14th. Check out -

for more info. Sonia will also be in attendance at the Light Factory auction. See you there, or at Sonia's show opening,
November 11, 2015

Monday, November 9, 2015

Happy Birthday Mom

And many more.
November 9, 2015

Warbirds Over Monroe Airshow Photos, November 8, 2015

Warbirds Over Monroe Airshow
Monroe, NC
November 8, 2015
all photos copyright 2015 Daniel Coston

November 9, 2015