Friday, August 16, 2024

Happy 90th Birthday, Jan Barley

Hello Jan. Today would have been, and will always be your 90th birthday. I've been thinking about you a lot this year. About how much I'm glad that you and Morry didn't have to deal with the craziness of the past few years, while still missing you every day.

Missing running home on Friday nights to talk to you via phone or Zoom. Missing your emails to you, and our friend Blinker, whose personality grew from wanting to have a second childhood with you in my life. 

I miss you, and yet you are here. All of your letters and emails. All of your writings, which either reside on this computer, or in boxes nearby. You left so much for us that still ripples through the lives of the ones you loved. And always will.

Happy birthday, wherever you are tonight. And many more. 

Love always, from your wayward fan,
--Daniel Coston

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